Pine Tree Society’s Assistive Technology Demo and Loan Library
Pine Tree Society’s Early Learning Center in Auburn hosted an Assistive Technology (AT) Demo and Loan Program workshop for members of the First 4 ME Early Care and Education Program of Androscoggin County. Linda Bonnar, Director of Pine Tree Society’s Speech and...
Specialized preschool fosters friendships and growth
We are well into our new school year at our specialized preschool in Auburn. This fall, we welcomed 12 new students to our Early Learning Center, bringing the number of students to nearly 40. These preschoolers have significant needs, and providing early intervention...
2025 Dysart’s Snowmobile Ride-in and Pine Tree Camp Egg Ride Weekend
Hang on to your helmets! The 52nd Dysart’s Snowmobile Ride-in and Pine Tree Camp Egg Ride is coming right up. Mark your calendar for a weekend of fun in Hermon. Thursday, January 30: Live WABI-TV5 Telethon and Dysart’s Spaghetti Supper Friday, January 31: Live and...
Cast your vote for Pine Tree Society Better Neighbor Fund grant
Pine Tree Society is one of 20 non-profits who made it to the voting phase of Town & Country Federal Credit Union’s Better Neighbor Fund grant. Town & Country will award a total of $25,000 to the eight charitable organizations receiving the most votes by...
Kaylie and Teagan: Friends for life
Kaylie and Teagan have been friends since elementary school. As recent graduates, they are able to stay in the transition program at their school until they turn 22 years old. At which time, they’ll start the next chapter of their lives together as adults....
Meet Liam: He’s a Pine Tree Camp kid for life
“There’s so much to enjoy at Pine Tree Camp and Liam just loved it.” That’s how his mother, Maryann, describes his experience. Liam came to Camp Pine Cone for the first time and had such a good experience, his parents extended him from one session to three full weeks...
Pine Tree Society provides students hands-on experience with assistive technology
This summer, Linda Bonnar welcomed Speech-Language Pathology students from the University of Vermont (UVM) and Emerson College to Pine Tree Camp to experience firsthand as campers and their families learned how to use their alternative and augmentative communication...
Pine Tree Society supports clients impacted by Maine’s housing crisis
“Not having safe and adequate housing is hard,” said Case Manager, Joey Mullins. “You’re constantly living in survival mode trying to figure out if you have a safe place to sleep at night. That takes up a lot of mental and physical energy.” Together with the Case...
Parent & Family Magazine features article by Dr. Ayris Franklin
The September / October issue of Parent & Family Magazine features an article by Dr. Ayris Franklin, Director of Pine Tree Society's Audiology Department, about the importance of audiology testing for infants. Hearing evaluations for infants can be life changing....