by pinetreeso | Aug 28, 2020 | Autism Program, Children's Case Management
In-person. Distance learning. Hybrid. Homeschool. Whatever your back-to-school looks like, Pine Tree Society’s Home and Community Support BHPs are here to help. Courtney Strout, the BHP Supervisor, explains how. Q: What...
by pinetreeso | Sep 29, 2019 | Autism Program, Children, Communication Pathways, News
There’s no doubt that making the leap from high school to adulthood is a challenging time. For young adults with disabilities, the process can mean moving from the security of the school environment to the unknown. In the end, young people with disabilities experience...
by pinetreeso | Sep 19, 2019 | Autism Program, Children's Case Management, Communication Pathways, Events, News, Pine Tree Camp
Innovation with old-fashioned roots: Pine Tree Camp barn raising expands programming for Maine kids with disabilities Thanks to the Burger-Roy Family Charitable Trust and Campbell’s True Value, on Saturday, September 28, Pine Tree Camp will become home to a brand new...
by pinetreeso | Jul 18, 2016 | Autism Program, Events, News
Pine Tree Society will be exhibiting at the Aroostook County Autism Conference, being held on October 7, 2016 at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. The conference is hosted by the Aroostook Autism Support Group and will feature speakers on topics including...
by pinetreeso | Apr 7, 2016 | Autism Program, News, Pine Tree Camp
A camp experience for young men and young women between the ages of 16 and 21 who have a diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder Offered in partnership between the Autism Transition Program and Pine Tree Camp staff, the retreat programming is designed to promote...
by pinetreeso | Apr 7, 2016 | Autism Program, News
Noah has a goal of attending college when he graduates. Alannah is a high school sophomore looking for a part time job. Kate just turned 20 and would like to be able to live on her own. These goals might sound like those any young person in Maine would strive for, but...