When I am building in the block room,Early Learning Center building toys

Please don’t say I’m “Just Playing.”

For, you see, I’m learning as I play,

About balance and shapes.

Who knows, I may be an an architect someday.

When you see me engrossed in a puzzle or some

“plaything” at my school,

Please don’t feel that time is wasted in “Play.”

For, you see, I’m learning as I play.

I’m learning to solve problems and concentrate.

Children learn even the earliest math concepts very young. Sorting, matching, sequencing, classifying and learning to make patterns are all early math skills. Some great math activities include counting items, sorting toys at clean up time (or putting silverware away), stacking plastic food containers (nesting, sizes), cooking (measurement, sequencing), blocks of all sizes and shapes (structure construction, problem solving, positional concepts) and water and sand play (displacement, measurement, comparisons) etc.


Young children are natural mathematicians. Even as infants and young toddlers they engage in matching and sorting activities. Children age three to five are eager to learn the role of math in everyday life, and benefit from rich learning environments and adults who introduce important concepts and content to them. This approach supports an appreciation for math and gives the young child a foundation in math which builds upon their natural curiosity and desire to learn.

To learn more about The Early Learning Center at Pine Tree Society, click here.

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