The Early Learning Center is patiently waiting for baby chicks.

The children have been learning all about farm animals, especially chickens. The process started when the fertilized eggs were placed into an incubator for 21 days. The children were very excited to see the eggs and had many questions about when they would be hatching.

Many of the children’s books show birds sitting on their nests. Teachers at the ELC explained how the incubator is acting as the “mommy bird” until they hatch.

While waiting, the kids were able to check the eggs a handful of times. This is called “candling.” The groups took a light and placed each egg on top to check for the forming embryo. A black dot on the egg indicates the start of a chick growing!

Students saw 6 out of the 12 eggs forming. Recently, the children looked at the eggs again and watched the movement of chicks still inside the egg. The children’s faces were priceless!

Circle time has included many chicken conversations and recently, children made predictions on how many eggs will actually hatch. Hatching should occur this week. The children come to school daily wanting to know if the eggs have hatched yet. 

Once hatched, these chicks will be brought to Pine Tree Camp.

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