Joshua Seal
Joshua joined Pine Tree Society in 2021 as the Program Manager of Interpreting Services after working in the department as an American Sign Language interpreter. In his role, he works with interpreters statewide to build strong relationships with Maine’s Deaf community. Widely recognized for his interpretation of Maine’s CDC briefings during Covid-19, Joshua is Deaf and ASL is his native language. “As a Deaf person, Pine Tree Society’s Interpreting Services Program is a particularly good fit for me to lead,” he said. “I am a part of the Deaf community and already familiar with most interpreters and people in Maine’s Deaf community.” Pine Tree Society is Maine’s only not-for-profit sign language interpreting agency and it’s important to Joshua that Pine Tree Society is committed to understanding what Deaf people need and to being an active part of that community. He earned his BA in Linguistics from the University of Southern Maine, where he continues to teach American Sign Language. He resides in Lisbon Falls and, in his free time, loves playing disc golf and being outdoors.