Order your 2023 holiday cards today at this link.
Pine Tree Society’s holiday cards have been a Maine tradition for over 50 years. These special cards serve a very important purpose: one hundred percent of proceeds support Pine Tree Society’s programs and help Maine people with disabilities lead richer, more socially connected lives.
Too often, people with disabilities feel left out, even isolated. Combating loneliness and social isolation has been at the very core of Pine Tree Society’s mission since 1936.
“Keeping people connected is the very essence of what we do,” said Noel Sullivan, President and CEO of Pine Tree Society. “For many people in our community, we are nothing short of a lifeline. What better symbol of connection than that of sending a handwritten holiday card to a loved one.”
This year, Pine Tree Society brought back two of its most popular cards for a limited edition rerelease: Carlton Plummer’s “Christmas Village” and Sandy Crabtree’s “Winter Lighthouse.” These cards are beautiful renderings of a quintessential Maine village during the holidays and one of Maine’s most photographed lighthouses.
Carlton Plummer, who passed away in 2020, was born in Brunswick and spent his childhood on his grandparents’ farm outside Augusta before attending art school in Boston. He served as a combat artist during the Vietnam War before going on to become a full-time painter and professor of art.
Sandy Crabtree’s paintings have been featured on Pine Tree Society’s holiday cards more than a dozen times. She is a noted children’s book illustrator and a longtime Bath resident who taught at Morse High School for nearly 30 years.
“Pine Tree Society has such a beautiful collection of Maine art that captures the history of this area,” she said.
She considers it an honor to have her artwork included.
“It’s very prestigious and means something to be selected,” she continued. “I’ve always felt lucky to be a part of it. Pine Tree Society’s holiday card tradition encourages and helps Maine’s artistic community and it’s all for a good cause.”
Pine Tree Society holiday cards can be ordered online at this link, by calling 207-443-3341 or visiting 149 Front Street in Bath.