To learn more and register for Pine Tree Camp’s new week-long sensory sensitive summer camp session offered July 22 – July 26 follow this link

Flutie-LogoPine Tree Society is proud to announce it has received a $15,000 grant from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism. The funds will support Pine Tree Camp’s new week-long sensory sensitive summer camp session offered July 22 – July 26. The program will allow children with autism and sensory issues to experience the fun and freedom of overnight summer camp created especially for them.

Pine Tree Camp, a program of Pine Tree Society, is Maine’s only American Camp Association-accredited camp for people with disabilities. Its 285-acre campus on North Pond in Rome is fully accessible and barrier-free.

“During our new sensory sensitive session, all the things campers love about Pine Tree Camp will be adapted with a smaller group size, one-on-one support and decreased sensory stimulation,” said Pine Tree Camp Director Dawn Willard-Robinson. “When it’s a little quieter, it gives sensory sensitive kids the opportunity to connect on a different level and fully engage. A smaller group size changes the dynamic and a calming environment encourages campers to try new things and feel comfortable making friends.”

All camp activities will be designed with less visual and auditory stimulation, visual supports and the opportunity to use noise-cancelling headphones or to step out to designated indoor and outdoor respite spaces.

“Respite spaces will have elements such as reduced lighting, calming music and other sensory-support resources,” continued Dawn. “And there’s nothing more calming than having the chance to be outdoors.”

Since Pine Tree Camp opened its doors in 1945, no camper who can benefit has ever been turned away due to their ability to pay tuition. Support from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism helps ensure access for sensory sensitive campers.  

“The Flutie Foundation Signature Grants help our partner agencies address a variety of significant needs in the autism community,” says Nick Savarese, executive director of the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism. “Programs like these are helping people on the autism spectrum live life to the fullest and we are proud to support their efforts.” 

More about the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism: The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, based in Framingham, MA, awards grants annually through a competitive application and review process. The signature grants that the Flutie Foundation distributed this year support traditionally under-served, under-funded, culturally diverse communities reflected in the Foundation’s areas of interest; providing a path for educational and vocational skills, supporting recreational and active lifestyles, and ensuring people with autism are safe, supported and informed. 

More about Pine Tree Camp: Established in 1945, Pine Tree Camp, a program of Pine Tree Society, is Maine’s only American Camp Association-accredited camp for people with disabilities. Every year, hundreds of Maine children and adults with disabilities arrive at Pine Tree Camp in Rome and their lives are transformed. Year-round, campers experience freedom and independence by actively participating in outdoor activities like kayaking, boating, swimming, fishing, hiking, biking, archery, snowshoeing and even ice-fishing thanks to Pine Tree Camp’s 285-acre, fully-accessible campus on North Pond. Full tuition assistance is available. No camper has ever been turned away due to their ability to pay.  

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