28th Bath Savings Paddle for Pine Tree Camp weekend returns with Hammond Lumber Cornhole for a Cause tournament to kick off the three day event
Manchester, Solon and Brunswick, Maine (May 1, 2024) – The 28th Bath Savings Paddle for Pine Tree Camp returns in June with the Hammond Lumber Company Cornhole for a Cause tournament to kick off the weekend of events with one goal in mind: to raise funds for Maine kids and adults with disabilities to experience freedom and independence at Pine Tree Camp.
The weekend starts Friday, May 31 at The Woodshed in Manchester with the 2nd Hammond Lumber Cornhole for a Cause. This evening of cash prize cornhole competition and fun is organized by Wicked Cornhole Events and will feature a WABI TV5 live broadcast telethon and special musical guests.
On Saturday, June 1st, paddlers will reunite in Solon for the traditional route down the Kennebec River. On Sunday, June 2nd, paddlers will come together to loop the Androscoggin River in Brunswick. Both paddles are family-friendly and perfect for all ages, skill levels and abilities.
2nd Hammond Lumber Cornhole for a Cause — Friday, May 31 — The Woodshed, 915 Western Ave., Manchester — 4:45pm Check-in // 5:30pm Tournament begins
Register for the cornhole tournament at this link: https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/PineTreeSociety/2024CT.html
28th Bath Savings Paddle for Pine Tree Camp
Saturday, June 1 — 9:30am — Solon: Traditional route down the Kennebec River — Paddle begins at The Evergreens Campground in Solon (202 Ferry Street, off Route 201A) and ends in North Anson on the Patterson Bridge Road. This is a three mile, two-hour paddle.
12:30pm – 5:30pm — After paddle party fundraiser Strummin’ for Pine Tree Camp at the Solon Hotel, 1 Pleasant Street, Solon. Details and musical lineup: https://www.facebook.com/events/1450501282341294/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[]%7D
Sunday, June 2 — 9:30am — Brunswick: Loop on the Androscoggin River — Paddle begins and ends at the Water Street Boat Landing (located at the end of Water Street) in Brunswick. This is a two mile, two-hour loop.
Register for the paddle at this link: https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/PineTreeSociety/2024Paddle.html
Why: Pine Tree Camp is Maine’s only American Camp Association-Accredited camp for people with disabilities. All proceeds from the Bath Savings Paddle directly benefit Pine Tree Camp’s Tuition Fund. Since 1945, Pine Tree Camp has welcomed all who could benefit, regardless of their ability to pay. The funds raised from the Bath Savings Paddle for Pine Tree Camp are a critical part of the camp’s open door tuition policy.
More About Pine Tree Camp: Established in 1945, Pine Tree Camp, a program of Pine Tree Society, is Maine’s only American Camp Association-accredited camp for people with disabilities. Every year, hundreds of Maine children and adults with disabilities arrive at Pine Tree Camp in Rome and their lives are transformed. Year-round, campers experience freedom and independence by actively participating in outdoor activities like kayaking, boating, swimming, fishing, hiking, biking, archery, snowshoeing and even ice-fishing thanks to Pine Tree Camp’s 285-acre, fully-accessible campus on North Pond. Full tuition assistance is available. No camper has ever been turned away due to their ability to pay. https://pinetreesociety.org/camp-home/
Sponsors of the 28th Bath Savings Paddle for Pine Tree Camp include: Bath Savings, HUB, Franklin Savings, TuckTec, Hammond Lumber Company, WABI, CMP, Assistance Plus, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, NRF Distributors, Evergreens Campground, Paddle Maine, Atlantic Federal Credit Union, Stio, Pape Auto, AE Hodsdon, BDS Tire Recycling, Longfellows, FineLine Paving, Mid Coast-Parkview Health and Pro BodyWorks.
Sponsors of the 2nd Hammond Lumber Company Cornhole for a Cause include: Hammond Lumber Company, Wicked Cornhole Events, The Woodshed, WABI, CMP, Assistance Plus, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, NRF Distributors, Evergreens Campground, Paddle Maine, Atlantic Federal Credit Union, Stio, Pape Auto, AE Hodsdon, BDS Tire Recycling, Longfellows, FineLine Paving, Mid Coast-Parkview Health and Pro BodyWorks.