For more than 80 years, Pine Tree Society has been committed to transforming the lives of Maine people with disabilities and their families. In 1936, our founders had of vision of continuously assessing unmet needs and cooperating with partners to fill gaps that currently existed or may exist in the future for Maine people with disabilities. It is this vision that is alive and well today. As an organization we are proud of our ability to be nimble and respond to needs in innovative ways.
It’s led Pine Tree Society to become the recognized leader in providing opportunities for growth and development for people with differing abilities based on respect, creativity, and responsiveness to address the changing needs of our clients, their families and stakeholders as well as our employees.
Pine Tree Society’s mission is to provide Maine children and adults with disabilities the opportunities and the means to create better lives for themselves and their families.
Pine Tree Society’s vision:
- identifies, evaluates and responds to the needs of new and/or under-served client/consumer groups;
- recognizes recreation as essential to the well-being of all people, expands recreational opportunities and imbues new and existing programs with the “spirit of camp;”
- uses technology to enhance services, connect clients and stakeholders;
- assesses our operational effectiveness continuously, to maintain our leadership in meeting the service needs of clients;
- partners with other organizations to maximize resources and expand our reach;
- develops financial, human, and organizational resources to allow for well managed growth, innovation, and the pursuit of new opportunities;
- attracts, retains, and rewards professional staff that excel in achieving the mission of Pine Tree Society.
Learn about Pine Tree Society’s values here.