
WABI5 TV Features Pine Tree Camp

WABI5 Interviewed Pine Tree Camp director, Dawn Willard-Robinson to learn how we're keeping our Pine Tree Camp community connected during this time of social distancing. Discover more on Pine Tree Camp's Facebook page.

Pine Tree Society launches remote Community and Home Support services

Pine Tree Society is committed to discovering abilities together and, during this time of social distancing, technology is one of the critical ways to bridge distances and keep connected.  Under the best of circumstances, adults with disabilities are among those most...

Pine Tree Camp shares its expertise with other camps across New England

Pine Tree Camp is recognized for its expertise in creating a summer camp program designed to meet the needs of all. Last week, Pine Tree Camp Director, Dawn Willard-Robinson, and Assistant Camp Director, Mary Schafhauser, virtually shared their expertise at the 2020...

St. Patrick’s Day Sweeps Winner Announced

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Hosford of Bangor, Maine! Mr. and Mrs. Hosford are the winners of our March 2020 St. Patrick's Day Sweepstakes drawing. Pine Tree Society's Sweepstakes raise money to support our programs. Want to learn more about our...

Virtual Pine Tree Camp Info Sessions

***Registration is required. The Zoom conference login will be sent to participants after registration***  Click here to register.   Questions? Please contact Lori Chesley at or 207-386-5993. Taking the leap and sending a child to...

Freeport library incorporates sign language into reading program

Freeport Community Library has added another component to their reading program: sign language! The Portland Press Herald interviewed our very own Linda Bonnar, Director of Communication Pathways about the benefits of sign language with speech development. Check out...

Portland Press Herald features Pine Tree Society

Pine Tree Society's expansion of children's case management to the Midcoast area was featured in the Portland Press Herald on February 6. “There’s always been an unmet need around case management in the region," Pine Tree Society's President & CEO Noel Sullivan...

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