by pinetreeso | Jan 5, 2021 | Uncategorized
Barbara has been going to Pine Tree Camp since she was nine years old. This summer, for the first time in 15 years of being together with her friends on the shores of North Pond, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, her traditional week at camp suddenly took on a new form...
by pinetreeso | Dec 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Allen, the winners of Pine Tree Society’s 2020 Christmas Sweeps.
by pinetreeso | Dec 23, 2020 | News, Pine Tree Camp, Snowmobile Ride In
This week News Center Maine featured a story on a creative way that Dysart’s is continuing to raise funds for the Snowmobile Ride-In to benefit Pine Tree Camp in this unusual year. How do they do it? This year you can enjoy one of Dysart’s classic chicken...
by pinetreeso | Dec 22, 2020 | News
Dear Pine Tree Camp family, As 2020 is quickly drawing to a close, we are approaching 2021 with excitement and flexibility. To that end, we moved the Pine Tree Camp summer overnight program applications release date from January to March. This change will allow for...
by pinetreeso | Dec 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
Sandy Crabtree’s “Winter Sunlight” caught the attention of The Free Press. Why? Because the beautiful painting featured as one of Pine Tree Society’s 2020 holiday cards showcases the quintessential Maine Pemaquid Lighthouse. One hundred percent of proceeds from annual...