Reporters at Newscenter Maine and the Morning Sentinel take you behind the scenes to meet the team of volunteers who came together for a traditional barn raising at Pine Tree Camp.

Read the Morning Sentinel story here.

Watch the Newscenter Maine report here.

Pine Tree Camp stands alone in terms of barrier-free access to nature and nature-based recreation for Maine people with disabilities.  Expanding access to learning about farm animals and how food is grown opens up exciting new possibilities for campers and this new barn makes that possible.

Noel Sullivan, president and CEO of Pine Tree Society, said “This barn is a gateway to a whole new world for Maine people with disabilities.  This addition to our campus gives us the chance to expand our programming around farm animals and gardening in ways we would not be able to do otherwise.”

The entire project was funded through the Burger-Roy Family Charitable Trust along with donations and support from local partners including:  Higgins Construction who has done all of the site work, Kavestone Construction who oversaw the building of the structure, Mainely Trusses who donated the building trusses, TLG Concrete who poured the slab and Mattingly Products who donated the concrete mix.  CMP Employee Volunteers participated in the traditional barn raising.


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