Donate to Pine Tree Camp Celebrity Egg Rider JR Mitchell at this link.

JR Mitchell first got involved with the Pine Tree Camp Egg Ride in 2001 when he was a morning radio host.

“Like the country song says, we have some history,” he said.

For 13 years, JR was part of the radio team raising money for Pine Tree Camp. 

“It was one of those fundraisers that was a lot of work but at the end you felt like a million dollars because you know where the money was going,” he recalled. 

The very last year he was at the station was a year to remember. 

“A listener came into the station with a check for $23,000,” he said. “I put on my poker face and held the news for a week. At the auction, we would pause the action to tune in to the radio for the crowd to hear what the fundraising total was. When I announced the total on-air I said ‘But wait, there’s more — we hit over $70,000.’ It was incredible.” 

Last year, JR came back for the 50th anniversary as a celebrity auctioneer and this year he’s egging up as a Celebrity Egg Rider. Knowing how many people he’s helped over the years is inspiring.

“I have so many lifelong friends from Pine Tree Camp. I’ve watched the kids grow and become well-rounded adults. It means a lot knowing that I was a part of them being able to go to camp without their parents having to worry about the money. I’m fortunate to be a part of it.” 

You’ll see him on the trail and auctioneering at the live auction. Going once, going twice, JR is sold on Pine Tree Camp! 

More about the Dysart’s Snowmobile Ride-in and Pine Tree Camp Egg Ride here.

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