“There’s so much to enjoy at Pine Tree Camp and Liam just loved it.”

That’s how his mother, Maryann, describes his experience. 

Liam came to Camp Pine Cone for the first time and had such a good experience, his parents extended him from one session to three full weeks of attendance. 

This summer, Pine Tree Camp expanded this specialized day camp from four to six weeks and encouraged campers to sign up for more than one week.

“Several campers came multiple weeks,” said Pine Tree Camp Director Dawn Willard-Robinson. “You could see the progression from kids being shy and not wanting to interact to making friends and having fun together.”

At home, Liam’s family had been encouraging him for several years to try riding a bike. At camp, he felt empowered to try. 

“He absolutely loved the biking,” his mother recalled. “He was so proud he asked us to come see him ride. He was so confident racing around the track. We also got to watch him interact with his new friends on the playground. His face just lit up. He saw kids doing things and he wanted to be able to do those things too. It pushed him to be more independent.

Camp Pine Cone was Liam’s first experience attending a program like this.

“The first day he was anxious and didn’t want to go,” his mother said. “When I picked him up he was all smiles and said ‘I’m a camp kid for life, Mom.’ He had so much fun and met some new kids that he’s still connecting with. It was such a positive experience.”

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