The September / October issue of Parent & Family Magazine features an article by Dr. Ayris Franklin, Director of Pine Tree Society’s Audiology Department, about the importance of audiology testing for infants.

Hearing evaluations for infants can be life changing. Hearing loss is one of the most common birth defects in the United States and, if left unidentified, this hearing loss can impact a child’s development

The standard for evaluating infants is measuring their brain waves during sleep to determine hearing levels. This auditory brainstem response (ABR) test measures how the child’s hearing nerves and brain respond to sounds.

Pine Tree Society provides ABR testing at its office in Bath. With this ABR diagnostic equipment, our pediatric audiologists can provide early identification of hearing loss in children ages 0-2 and fit infants as young as 3 months old with hearing aids; which is the ideal time for early intervention. These results are key to a child receiving the appropriate diagnoses so they can receive the very best support.

Check out the new issue of Parent & Family Magazine at this link and read Dr. Franklin’s featured article on Page 18.


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