In July, Pine Tree Camp held its first ever Sensory Sensitive Week. Thirty young people came together from July 22-26 for an overnight summer camp designed especially for them. The week was made possible by a grant from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism.

“Having less visual and auditory stimulation as well as a smaller group size helped kids connect on a personal level with staff and other campers,” said Pine Tree Camp Director Dawn Willard-Robinson. “Many of the campers had never been to an overnight camp before and I heard from a lot of parents how impressed and proud they were that their child not only spent a full week at summer camp, but that they also made new friends and stepped out of their comfort zone.”

Since Pine Tree Camp opened its doors in 1945, no camper who can benefit has ever been turned away due to their ability to pay tuition. Support from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism helped ensure access for autistic and sensory sensitive campers.  

More about the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism: The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, based in Framingham, MA, awards grants annually through a competitive application and review process. The signature grants that the Flutie Foundation distributed this year support traditionally under-served, under-funded, culturally diverse communities reflected in the Foundation’s areas of interest; providing a path for educational and vocational skills, supporting recreational and active lifestyles, and ensuring people with autism are safe, supported and informed.

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