Pine Tree Society is committed to discovering abilities together and, during this time of social distancing, technology is one of the critical ways to bridge distances and keep connected. Under the best of circumstances, adults with disabilities are among those most at risk of being socially isolated. During times like these, that risk increases exponentially which is why Pine Tree Society has created remote programming to virtually connect and provide Community and Home Support to its clients.
“As with all of Pine Tree Society’s programs, this technology-based service is designed based on individual goals and interests with activities catered to meet those unique objectives,” said Shelley Zielinski, director of Adult Services at Pine Tree Society. “It will also provide people with the ability to connect with friends, which has immeasurable benefits as social connections become few and far between during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
These services will be available on user friendly technology platforms and the Pine Tree Society team will provide individualized tech support to ensure all who can benefit from this program can participate.