A message from Noel

Dear Friends, I recently heard from a former Pine Tree camper. Now an adult, he attended Pine Tree Camp as a child into his late teens. He shared a bit about the friends he made and the barrier-free recreation he experienced…and then he said: “At Pine Tree Camp I felt...

Recap: First Annual Flutie 5K at Pine Tree Camp

Pine Tree Camp’s fall foliage wasn’t the only thing showing off on Saturday, October 22nd. One hundred fourteen runners, walkers, wheelchair-rollers, and even a team of dinosaurs showed their colors at the first ever Flutie 5K at Pine Tree Camp. Racers were treated to...

Auburn Community Support program drums up some fun

Our Auburn Community Support program participants were thrilled to welcome back Carol Richards of Classes with Carol on Wednesday, October 12th for a drum circle lesson! Group music sessions bring a sense of togetherness, decrease loneliness and anxiety, and can be a...

Early Learning Center celebrates a year of milestones

On Wednesday, August 17th, Pine Tree Society’s Early Learning Center celebrated a year of milestones and progress. Families of our ELC students joined us for tours of our classrooms and chats with their kid’s teachers, while the students and their siblings...
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