by pinetreeso | Sep 16, 2021 | Pine Tree Camp
Pine Tree Society’s 2021 holiday cards feature beautiful paintings by two celebrated Maine artists: Marieluise Hutchinson and Richard Hasenfus. Hutchinson is well known for her signature paintings of rural New England. Hasenfus, who passed away in 2019, will always be...
by pinetreeso | Aug 2, 2021 | Adults, Children, Pine Tree Camp, Uncategorized
Pine Tree Camp is the premier place where Maine kids and adults with disabilities go to enjoy the freedom and fun of fully accessible outdoor recreation. For the first time ever, families can now share that experience together through Pine Tree Camp’s all new Family...
by pinetreeso | Jul 27, 2021 | News, Pine Tree Camp
For the fifth year in a row, Pine Tree Society has earned the top 4-star ranking from Charity Navigator. Just 17% of the non-profits Charity Navigator evaluates have received five consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that Pine Tree Society outperforms most other...
by pinetreeso | Jul 19, 2021 | Adults, Children, Pine Tree Camp
Join us on July 24th from 10am-4pm for a special edition of our Adventure Day Pass program! In addition to all of the recreational opportunities we have here at camp, we will also be offering adaptive waterskiing! To make this special day happen, we are partnering...
by pinetreeso | Jun 8, 2021 | Adults, Children, Pine Tree Camp
Donate today. “Each tiny effort builds on the next, so that brick by brick magnificent things can be created.” I came across this quote recently and it made me think of the transformative impact of Pine Tree Camp. Let me share a story with you… Deborah first came to...
by pinetreeso | Jun 3, 2021 | Children, Children's Case Management, Pine Tree Camp
Being outside in nature gives kids a leg up for learning. We are excited about the opportunity for Pine Tree Camp to be a part of your summer programming to help offset learning loss for your students with disabilities. Social and emotional learning and physical well...