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By Linda Bonnar, MA, CCC-SLP, ATP, Director of Communication Pathways, Pine Tree Society

Remote learning from home means less daily physical activity for your child. Whether your child’s school is a hybrid or a full distance learning model, parents will need to find creative ways to promote movement throughout the day.

Regardless of your child’s age, grade, or developmental level, here are four tips that are easily adaptable for children of all abilities.

1) Kids Yoga

There are lots of different poses you can use and you can even help a child make up their own pose.  Here is a great resource for adding yoga into your life.

2) Simon Says

Simon Says is a great way to promote movement and work on basic verbs while building skills for following directions.  For children who are older, try two-step directions.

3) I Spy 

The I Spy guessing game can take place anywhere.  Take a walk around your neighborhood or move around your house having fun spying objects and guessing.

4) Scavenger Hunt

Much like I Spy, you can have a scavenger hunt anywhere, anytime.  Inside or outside, scavenger hunts promote movement and creative thinking.  Here are some great scavenger hunt templates to use or to inspire your own.

Remember, you are not alone.  Pine Tree Society is here to support you and your child. Contact Linda Bonnar at or 207-386-5931 to learn more.