Your donation will be put to work immediately.

“A flower blossoms for its own joy.”

Every single day I get to see our clients blossom and experience joy as they reach — and exceed — their goals. When asked what makes me smile, my answer is always: Seeing someone do more than they thought they could.

Spring is a reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.

This spring marks a big, personal change for me. After 12 years with Pine Tree Society, I am retiring this month. It is with great pleasure that I welcome Kate McElligott as the organization’s new President and CEO. She takes the helm at a very significant moment in our history.

  • In 2025, Pine Tree Camp celebrates its 80th anniversary.
  • In 2026, Pine Tree Society will reach its significant 90-year milestone.

I am proud of so many accomplishments that we have achieved together.

From finding innovative solutions to keep our community connected, to continuously developing new programs, to seeking creative ways to transform the lives of more people than ever before…. Pine Tree Society is dedicated to helping people with disabilities achieve independence, and our impressive longevity is due to the unwavering commitment of our team and the incredible support we receive from you, our donors.

Your donation will be put to work immediately

Our impact is growing, and we can’t do it without you. The funding Pine Tree Society receives through reimbursement for services only covers a portion of our costs. Families caring for loved ones with disabilities have fewer and fewer resources to turn for help.

Your donation will be put to work immediately to change the lives of Maine children and adults with disabilities. We’re committed to maximizing the impact of every dollar, and this commitment is reflected in our premiere 4-star rating from Charity Navigator.

Thanks to you, every day, our clients and their loved ones get to experience how beautiful change can truly be. We’re honored by your support. Thank you.


Noel Sullivan, President and CEO

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